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Written press

Les grands classiques...


Émissions d'actualité parodique : Saturday Night Live

ou satiriques : Last Week Tonight (John Oliver) ; The Daily Show (Trevor Noah)

Presse satirique

The Onion (US)


The Daily Mash (UK)

Longer reads

  • The Conversation (UK or US)

"Academic rigour, journalistic flair"

American magazine: Literature, political science, foreign affairs

International edition, covering current affairs, politics and culture from popular angles.

The most prestigious reference in American culture, literature and society with a unique graphic identity.


L'offre de podcasts en anglais est immense, suivez vos propres intérêts ! Voici quelques idées dans un souci d'éclectisme :

  • Producing the Beatles: a narrative podcast that approaches the Fab Four from the perspective of their producer, George Martin. Enter the recording studio and enjoy hours of music talk!

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  • The Dropout: Money. Romance. Tragedy. Deception. The story of Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos is an unbelievable tale of ambition and fame gone terribly wrong. How did the world’s youngest self-made female billionaire lose it all in the blink of an eye? How did the woman once heralded as “the next Steve Jobs” find herself facing criminal charges  and up to decades in prison?

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  • Sounds Like a Cult: A podcast about the modern-day “cults” we all follow. Do you think Disney, The Bachelor or Coachella is a cult? What about Elon Musk stans? Or the Royal Family? What about spiritual influencers? Is Instagram itself a cult? This podcast that analyzes a different zeitgeisty group every week to try and answer the big question: This group sounds like a cult, but is it really? And if so, how bad is it? 

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  • Wind of Change: Spies. Secrets. Soviets. And tight leather pants. Did the CIA write a power ballad that ended the Cold War? It’s 1990. The Berlin Wall has just come down. The Soviet Union is on the verge of collapse. A heavy metal band from West Germany, the Scorpions, releases a power ballad, “Wind of Change.” The song becomes the soundtrack to the peaceful revolution sweeping Europe — and one of the biggest rock singles ever. According to some fans, it’s the song that ended the Cold War.

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  • New Deal: (En V.F.) Un partenariat pour suivre et décrypter l'actualité américaine chaque semaine autour de thématiques culturelles et contemporaines. Episodes de 15 min environ, faciles à écouter et très informatifs.

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