Ireland votes by landslide to legalise abortion
A factual article from The Guardian detailing the referendum process, its historical value and the next steps for Prime Minister Leo...
Google's AI sounds like a human on the phone -- should we be worried?
WATCH - Google recently showed off its Assistant having a humanlike conversation with someone at a hair salon and a small restaurant....
The Windrush generation explained
Some historical elements to understand the immigration scandal that has been shaking the UK over the past few weeks, leading to the...
RevisionReads: 50 years after Martin Luther King, a divided America
A very informative, long US civilization read from The Economist. Click here to download the article .
Watch - Mark Zuckerberg's apology
In the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, the Facebook CEO had to issue a full public apology for the social media's controversial...
RevisionReads: Facebook and the Cambridge Analytica scandal
A column from the Guardian analyses the endemic causes of the major breach of users' private data revealed last week. For John Harris,...
RevisionReads: 'Momentum', a future for the Labour Party?
ECS2: Follow-up on the Debating session on Socialism Two years after Jeremy Corbyn became Labour leader, a ‘party within the party’ has...
Donald Trump and the "NFL-gate": explained
Why is the American president targeting popular sports figures? Last week, Donald Trump spectacularly lashed out at some of the most...