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Podcasts, video channels: improve your CO skills!

What programs can you listen to in English? What kind of videos are useful to watch? How long does it take? How and where to find them?

Here is a brief list of ideas for you to take up good habits and significantly improve your understanding and expression skills.


  • "An apple a day..." : 5 minutes every day, use the time of your bus/train ride home to watch a newsflash or live TV news show, to keep up with international news. You can also just play the video in the background as you brush your teeth or do the dishes!


  • Once a week: watch longer videos or documentaries on topics that interest you.

TED is an excellent source of smart talks on a variety of fascinating subjects.

  • Follow a YouTube channel: sports, comedy, culture and entertainment, science... anything related to your interests will be easier to watch on a regular basis.


Make the most of your free time to listen to 30-40 minute podcasts in English: you will expand your general knowledge while significantly improving your understanding skills and enrich your vocabulary and syntax.

For TV series addicts


[look up your favourite series on Podbay!]

For science lovers

BBC Podcasts (UK)

BBC Podcasts (UK)

Witness (particularly the series on Black history)

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