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What will Joe Biden do first?

From pandemic relief, economic and environmental measures to immigration policy, justice reforms and international relations: what are the new US president's priorities?

From BBC News:

Joe Biden has spent 50 years in politics working towards this moment, but he could never have expected such huge challenges would be facing him on his first day at the helm. What are his priorities?

He'll get started with a 10-day flurry of executive orders (these are presidential directives that don't require congressional approval).

Top of the list are rescinding a controversial travel ban, imposed by his predecessor Donald Trump against countries he viewed as a security threat, and rejoining the Paris climate deal.

Here's what else we know about what will demand the new president's immediate attention.

Coronavirus pandemic relief

Masking up America

The coronavirus has killed more than 400,000 people in the US - and the pandemic and its wide-ranging impact will be the new administration's top priority. Mr Biden has called it "one of the most important battles our administration will face" and has vowed to implement his Covid strategy straight away.

One of his first moves will be executive action requiring masks to be worn on federal property nationwide and during interstate travel.

Still, there's no guarantee the state governors who've so far opposed mask mandates will suddenly change their minds - there appears to be no legal authority that grants a president the power to bring in a nationwide mask rule. Mr Biden seems to have conceded that point, and says he'll personally try to persuade governors to come around. If they're not receptive, he's vowed to make calls to mayors and municipal officials to recruit them to the cause.

100 million vaccine doses in 100 days

Mr Biden wants to speed up the vaccine rollout with the ultimate goal of vaccinating 100 million people with at least a first dose against Covid in his first 100 days in office.

He is also expected to take executive action on efforts to develop and deploy rapid testing.

Rejoining WHO

On his agenda is a pledge to reverse the decision to have the US leave the World Health Organization (WHO).

Mr Trump announced plans over the summer to pull the country out of the WHO, accusing it of mismanaging Covid after the virus emerged in China and saying it failed to make "greatly needed reforms".

Executive orders - Mr Biden plans a blitz in the first two weeks after taking office. Here are a few to expect:

  • A US return to the Paris climate agreement - the global pact on cutting carbon emissions

  • Repealing the controversial travel ban on mostly Muslim-majority countries

  • Mandating the wearing of masks on federal property and when travelling interstate

  • An extension to nationwide restrictions on evictions and foreclosures due to the pandemic

  • Continuing to pause student loan payments implemented during the pandemic

Cancelling Keystone XL pipeline

In a move that has already sparked alarm with his northern neighbours, Mr Biden is reportedly planning to immediately rescind the cross-border permit for the controversial Keystone XL pipeline, a planned project from the oil sands of Canada's Alberta province, through Montana and South Dakota, to rejoin an existing pipeline to Texas.

Immigration Policy

Scrapping the travel ban

The travel ban, signed by Mr Trump just seven days after taking office in January 2017, will be among the first policies to be discarded.

The ban initially excluded people from seven majority-Muslim countries, but the list was modified following a series of court challenges. It now restricts citizens of Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, Venezuela and North Korea.

A pathway to citizenship

In another major immigration pledge, Mr Biden has said he'll swiftly send a bill to Congress laying out a pathway to citizenship for over 11 million undocumented immigrants.

"And all of those so-called dreamers, those Daca [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals programme] kids, they're going to be immediately certified again to be able to stay in this country and put on a path to citizenship," he said in late October.

Ending border wall construction

Mr Biden has vowed to halt construction of a project synonymous with Mr Trump's presidency - the border wall between the US and Mexico His campaign had called it "a waste of money" that "diverts critical resources away from the real threats".

The administration says it will instead divert the federal funds towards efforts like new border screening measures.

Race and criminal justice reforms

The national reckoning with race is the fourth crisis - alongside Covid, the economy and climate - Mr Biden says he must tackle quickly.

Some of those policies - like addressing racial disparities in housing and healthcare - overlap with his other plans.

He has promised to set up a national police oversight body to assist in reforming police departments in his first 100 days in office, though details of that plan are scarce.

He has said he wants swift passage by Congress of the "Safe Justice Act", which includes measures on reforming mandatory minimum sentences and increasing funding for community based policing.

Reassuring US allies

The incoming president says he plans to quickly reach out to US allies to smooth ruffled feathers and promise that "America has your back", saying the US must "prove to the world that [it] is prepared to lead again - not just with the example of our power but also with the power of our example".


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